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U.S. Equities

Small Cap Portfolios

Often thought of as a lesser-followed segment of the market, our small cap strategies look for an optimal balance between risk and return.

Advisory Research Small Cap Value Fund
Dynamic small Cap Fund
Spectrum Alpha Fund

Disciplined, Concentrated Portfolios

Strategies designed to stay fully invested. Focused on equity positions we believe are fast growing and high quality. Backed by strong research, each stock in these portfolios has their unique story.

Advisory Research Small Cap Value Fund
Spectrum Alpha Fund

Let’s work together. No matter the size of your client’s portfolio, we believe in meaningful diversification for long-term results.

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McKee Bond Fund

Seeks to maximize total return and generate consistent outperformance of the Fund’s benchmark, the Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Aggregate Bond Index, with a high quality and highly liquid, well diversified portfolio through opportunistic, risk-controlled management.

McKee Bond Fund

Strategic Income Fund

Designed to provide investors with the potential for higher yields and returns by investing in a diverse portfolio of fixed income securities. The fund seeks the best sources of yield from a variety of global assets classes to provide a consistent yield advantage over single-sector investments. This fund is appropriate for investors seeking exposure to different bond asset classes in one investment.

Strategic Income Fund