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Advisory Research Investment Management

Advisory Research Investment Management, a Chicago-based asset manager, offers actively-managed U.S. and global equity strategies, catering to institutional and intermediary investors through separate account management and private funds.

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Algert Global

Algert Global is a San Francisco-based leader in systematic investment strategies founded in 2002. Algert takes an active, fundamentally driven approach to seek to exploit inefficiencies in global equity markets resulting from investor behavioral biases. With this approach, they manage a variety of equity strategies including U.S. small cap and international small cap, among others.

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Altrinsic Global Investors

Searching for opportunities amid change and uncertainty, Altrinsic’s investment team seeks to capitalize on inefficiencies in the world’s equity markets by taking a long-term view and leveraging in-depth fundamental analysis, global industry knowledge, and its distinctive cross-border frame of reference. As the value of information has become increasingly commoditized, the value of experience, perspective, judgement, and common sense have increased.

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C.S. McKee

C.S. McKee primarily specializes in a range of taxable fixed income strategies that focus on providing institutional investors with consistent risk-adjusted performance. C.S. McKee’s fixed income philosophy is founded upon an opportunistic, yet risk-controlled bottom-up approach. Placing an emphasis on security analysis and selection allows the team to mitigate risk to the portfolio associated with credit, duration, or yield curve decisions.

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Evanston Capital Management

“We seek out specialist managers applying distinctive skill in alpha-rich market segments.” 

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Kennedy Capital Management

“Focused on a goal of generating superior returns in the micro, small, and mid-cap domestic equity markets for our clients for over 40 years.”

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Red Cedar Investment Management

Red Cedar is an active asset manager focused on providing high-quality, income-producing strategies to clients through research across the capital structure. A primary expertise is in managing preferred securities.

These unique research perspectives are the difference between active and passive portfolio management.

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